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4 Quick Tips to Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal in San Antonio

If you are planning to sell your home soon and take advantage of the reasonably hot market you have probably already been painting, cleaning, fixing and de-cluttering the inside.  That is a good start but don’t neglect the outside.

First impressions are extremely important. What a potential buyer of your home sees as he or she pulls up goes a long way toward their perception of what you are selling. Enhancing your home’s curb appeal is not something to take lightly.

Consider that most people will not have the pleasure of going inside your home. Many more will drive by and see what to outside looks like. A few quick and easy changes to the exterior will add value and interest to your home.

Here are some useful tips to give those buyers a first impression they will remember.

Clean up, Maintenance and Greenery

If you have a natural grass lawn keep it mowed, fill in bare spots and do some edging on the sidewalks and driveway. Water it regularly to keep the grass looking green and fresh.

Maintain your flower beds. Remove weeds and any debris that may be taking away from their natural beauty. Remove dead or out-of-season plants and trim any bushes and shrubs you may have.

Don’t spend a ton of money replacing what you already have planted. Rather, keep it nice but consider adding attractive potted plants that can easily be moved or removed depending on the taste of the buyer.

The Front Door and Siding

If your front door is showing signs of age and use it might be wise to replace it. If it is still in really good shape, consider a fresh coat of paint to improve its appearance.

Consider renting a pressure washer to clean your siding. Removing any dirt or mildew will do wonders for the appeal of your home. Plus, you can use the pressure washer to clean your sidewalks and driveway, too. If required, paint your siding.

Lights and Exterior Accessories

Take a good look at your exterior lights. Bugs love to congregate there and you may even find a birds nest or two in them. Keep them cleaned out and free of unwanted vermin.

Make sure all the lights work, the doorknobs and handles all match and are clean.

Consider adding some solar lights along the driveway and sidewalks to give your home a more welcoming feel.

Your Roof and Gutters

Yeah, this can be a scary thing to look at but it is better to check your roof now before you put your home on the market than after you get an offer and you then fail inspection.

Take a good look to see if any shingles are missing or if it is getting worn out. It may only need a good cleaning but if it needs to be replaced, now is the time to do it.

While you’ve got the ladder out and are checking the roof, take the time to look at your gutters. Clean them if necessary, inside and out, to give them a much newer look. If you painted the siding you may want to also paint the gutters and downspouts.

Ask a Friend

When you have finished ask a friend for an honest opinion and to make sure you haven’t missed anything.

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